About Me
As the CEO, I support filmmakers and media producers…
by scouting and liaising with locations that can meet their productions’ needs. In essence, I am the Stateline area’s advocate for film production.
I showcase the potential of filming here: its conveniences, its access to all types of flora & fauna, and its massive variety in interior & exterior locations. Our…
Wealth of locations
Affordable food and lodging
Zero issues that come from filming in densely populated areas (traffic, crowds, and red tape)
Diverse and historic architecture
allow us to convey nearly any period. In addition to being CEO of Beloit Film Works, I am a retired business owner, grandmother, screenwriter, and novel filmmaker. I am a member of the Location Managers Guild International and have written / registered several screenplays.
I’m also a Beloit International Film Festival (BIFF) board member, pre-screener, and volunteer. In the two years I have been with BIFF, I’ve learned how to best support the incredible storytellers and technicians that make these projects come alive. This has earned me a high degree of visual acumen, allowing me to translate to the page to the screen.